Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A New Hope.

My brother (who lives in Colorado), challenged me to make a list of things to do to become a better diabetic. So, now that I've been off the phone with him for about ten minutes, I am going to make that list. It's not always easy to accept that you aren't the best at whatever you are trying to accomplish. I have learned this by experience the past few days. Failure is part of life. I didn't fail, but I didn't try my hardest. Sometimes that is worse than failing. Now, I am making a list, so I can try my hardest at being the best me that I can.

1. Try to accept an endocrinologist*. I am not always the most accepting when it comes to doctors. I think it might be because I've been to the doctor about every three months since I was eleven. But, it's time to just bite the bullet and try to open my mind. My journey with this task begins on November 15th. 

2. Eat healthier. My husband and I have been trying to do this for a while now. We suck at it. However, a healthy diet is a good idea for anyone. I plan on making more meals at home. I love to cook, but I rarely have time. I think I am going to try to have quick recipes available, making it easier to whip up. Also, I feel like more fruits and veggies should be a part of my life style. The food pyramid suggests eating 2.5 cups of veggies and 2 cups of fruits daily. I feel like I have dairy on lock. I love milk and cheese. I think I drink at least two cups of milk daily. Along with eating more healthy foods comes eating less crap. So, less more chips, candy, ice cream, and other junk foods. Everything is fine... in moderation. 

3. Exercise. I hate physical activity. I hate running, squats, and sports. Even though I hate these things, I still need to work out and be more physical. I have this Zumba game for out xBox 360 Kinect. It is really fun. I was really doing it when we first got it, but I have been slacking. It's fun though. I have decided to do it twice a week. Another thing I can do is walk my dog. My puppy Ralphie is the most rambunctious dog I have ever met. We live in a townhouse without a yard so he gets cabin fever easily. Walking him (and eventually running with him) will not only benefit me but it will also benefit Ralphie.  

4. Get more sleep (and go to bed earlier). I never sleep enough. My husband and I have extremely weird schedules (we both work seconds and go to school). I usually get home from work around 10:30pm. It's been proven that you need a solid eight hours of zzz's a night. I need to get to bed at a decent hour (as early as my crazy life allows) and wake up earlier than what I tend to. 

5. Reduce stress. As much as I would love to get rid of all the stress in my life, that is impossible. I can reduce stress though. I need to learn to let things go. Sometimes I can be controlling and defensive. I need to just let things that are out of my control, go. Stress is a major contributor to high blood sugars for me. Also, stress leads me straight to the brownies and lazy days. Those things aren't always bad, but I need to find another way to deal with stress other than becoming a bum. Ideas to deal with stress: drawing, exercise, cleaning (that is just something I can do because our messy house stresses me out!), cooking (healthy foods and snacks!), writing, reading. Those are just a few ideas to keep my stomach knot free. 

Alright, this is a start to my better diabetic life. Let's see if it plays out. 

*Endocrinologist:  A doctor who specialized in the study of the glands and hormones of the body and their related disorders. This type of doctor specializes in diabetes among other illnesses.