Sunday, October 30, 2011

The First Scariest Day Of My Life.

In January 2011, the first scariest day of my life happened. So far in my diabetic life (almost eleven years at this point), I had never had a problem with my diabetes. I also had never had a real fear of what could actually happen if something were to go wrong with my blood sugar*. This is what happened... I don't remember most of it so my husband filled in the gaps.
Zachary (my husband) came home from work sometime in the afternoon. We laid upstairs watching "Lost" until he fell asleep. This is when I started acting like an idiot. I wouldn't let him fall asleep. I kept hitting him (playfully), tickling him, and speaking non-sense. It was to the point that my husband got mad enough to go downstairs. After a split second of thinking about the situation, he came back upstairs and called my mom (who told him to call 911). An ambulance came and discovered my blood sugar was at 11. They immediately gave me an IV and D 50. When I came to (because I was pretty much past out the whole time), I was terrified. I didn't know what was happening. I just kept repeating that "this was just a dream". That's what it felt like to me, a dream. Also, since I had been watching a lot of "Lost", I thought the EMTs were doing scientific experiments on me- which freaked me out even more. It wasn't until I finally saw Zachary that I started to calm down a little bit. Basically, I could have died if Zachary wouldn't have called. I could have died if the ambulance came about 5 minutes later than what they did.
Why did my blood sugar drop? I really don't know why it dropped. The closest conclusion I can come up with is that when I did my follow up with my doctor the following week, I had a urinary tract infection (extremely common in diabetics). I lost lots of hours of sleep after that.

*Blood Sugar: the amount of glucose in the blood, it should run between 80- 180

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