Sunday, October 30, 2011

Type One vs. Type Two

They say it's best to get everything out in the open. So, since my life was almost over this past week, I have decided to get it all out in the open. That's why I have started this. I can't be the only one who suffers from type one diabetes and the "awesome" things that go along with it. Hopefully, I will be able to let people know how scary this illness is. I know a lot of people think that diabetes is caused because a person is fat or lazy. I also know that a lot of people believe that diabetics cannot have candy or soda. Neither of these are always true. I just want to clear the air. Let's begin by learning the difference between type one and type two. They are certainly not the same thing- or even close.

Type One (also known as Juvenile Diabetes)
-insulin dependent
-pancreas produces little to no insulin*
-caused by genetics, exposure to certain viruses, or birth defect (like me)
-no cure
-treatment: insulin (by pump or shots) 
-typical in children, but can appear at any age

Type Two
-most common type
-body become resistant to the effects of insulin* or doesn't make enough insulin*
-caused by lack of physical activity, obesity, genetics
-no cure
-treatment: oral medication, exercise, diet
-typical in adults, but can appear at any age

Welp, that's the difference between the two types of diabetes. There is also another type of diabetes that occurs in pregnant woman. This is called gestational diabetes, but we won't get into that right now.

Insulin: a hormone needed to allow sugar (glucose) to enter cells to produce energy

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